
My research focuses on the economics of digitization with an emphasis on content platforms, social influence, and Human-AI interaction. Below are some of the projects I have worked on.

Working Papers

  1. Personalization, engagement, and content quality on social media: An evaluation of Reddit’s news feed
    Alex Moehring
    Revise and Resubmit at Management Science, 2024
  2. Combining human expertise with artificial intelligence: Experimental evidence from radiology
    Nikhil Agarwal , Alex Moehring, Pranav Rajpurkar , and Tobias Salz
    Revise and Resubmit at Econometrica, 2024
  3. Social influence and news consumption
    Alex Moehring, and Carlos Molina
  4. Information frictions and heterogeneity in valuations of personal data
    Avinash Collis , Alex Moehring, Ananya Sen , and Alessandro Acquisti
    Revise and Resubmit at Information Systems Research, 2024
  5. News feeds and user engagement: Evidence from the reddit news tab
    Alex Moehring

Work in Progress

  1. Designing Human-AI Collaboration: A Sufficient-Statistic Approach
    Nikhil Agarwal , Alex Moehring, and Alexander Wolitzky
    Work in Progress, 2025

Published Articles

  1. Heterogeneity and predictors of the effects of AI assistance on radiologists
    Feiyang Yu , Alex Moehring, Oishi Banerjee , Tobias Salz , and 2 more authors
    Nature Medicine, 2024
  2. Comparative Advantage of Humans versus AI in the Long Tail
    Nikhil Agarwal , Ray Huang , Alex Moehring, Pranav Rajpurkar , and 2 more authors
    AEA Papers and Proceedings, 2024
  3. Providing normative information increases intentions to accept a COVID-19 vaccine
    Alex Moehring, Avinash Collis , Kiran Garimella , M Amin Rahimian , and 2 more authors
    Nature Communications, 2023
  4. Global survey on COVID-19 beliefs, behaviours and norms
    Avinash Collis , Kiran Garimella , Alex Moehring, M Amin Rahimian , and 6 more authors
    Nature Human Behaviour, 2022
  5. Interdependence and the cost of uncoordinated responses to COVID-19
    David Holtz , Michael Zhao , Seth G Benzell , Cathy Y Cao , and 7 more authors
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020